Iain Stamp's Changing Backstory
Have you noticed how Iain Clifford Stamp’s Back-Story Keeps Changing?
Scroll Down to Discover How Iain’s “Story” has Changed Between 2019 and 2024
We include Screen Shots from his Website Over the Years to Show What he Actually Offered. All Evidence shown here is PUBLICLY Available and has been Passed to the Financial Conduct Authority
The Way-Back Machine Independent Web.Archive.Org Proves What Iain Did And Didn’t Say …..
In 2019 Iain Stamp Launched MortgageFree.Info and Offered Mortgage Services. The Screenshot is dated 6/9/19

Stamp Makes it Sound like he Has Had Results When in FACT he HAS NEVER HAD a RESULT!

Note: MortgageFree Started off a a Trading Style of Wealth Fortress 1 Ltd. This Keeps Changing

Above/Left: Stamp admits - His Clients Lost £400million between 2001 and 2010.
Above/Right: Points #2 & #4 are Misleading and Imply Prior Success
Above/Right: Point #6: Stamp Clearly Claims your Credit File will NOT be Affected. How Would he Know?

Above: See the line: "What Makes Our Service Special?"
During December 2022 and January 2023: Stamp Emailed his members denying Refunds on the basis that:
He NEVER Offered a "service".
He Clearly DID Offer a Service - Because it's Written There!
Let's Look at Iain Stamp's Own Backstory
What Stamp Claimed then:
In 2020 Iain Stamp was selling a gambling service called: GlobalEdge. He was offering BOND returns on investment of 5-25% per month, with a guaranteed return of 21% per year.
His claims were described as “delusional”. He was invited to prove his claims.
He made a BIG deal about being an INTJ personality type which amusingly places him among the ranks of Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Charles Darwin, Augustus Caesar, Hannibal, Lenin, Thomas Jefferson, John F Kennedy, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight Eisenhower, Mozart to name but a few.
INTJs tend to value creative ingenuity, straightforward rationality, and self-improvement. They consistently work toward enhancing intellectual abilities and are often driven by an intense desire to master any and every topic that piques their interest.
The Reality:
Stamp stumbled across some mortgage related posts in the truth movement during 2019 which gave him the bright idea of offering Mortgage Elimination Services while he also operated Global Edge and Soccer Edge. See below for proof of his MortgageFree.Info creation.
If Iain Stamp “woke-up” in 2008 – why is there NO PROOF of this claim? Where was he? Why did he not post any articles, blogs, videos, websites,
Iain Stamp completed an ONLINE test offered by Myers Briggs, which means the result is totally unreliable and open to abuse – assuming he even did the test.
Stamp is materialistic and money driven. Since 2001 he has consistently offered products & services which he has been UNABLE to deliver. He does this to GRAB HEADLINES and ACOLADES. When he fails to deliver his MODUS Operandi is to blame EVERYONE ELSE.
By his own admission he has lost his clients in Excess of £400 Million.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.stumbled
What Stamp Claims Now:
Iain Stamp now claims to have woken up in 2008 – which just happens to copy The Spaniard’s timeline. [Iain tries to emulate what TheSpaniard of White Rabbit has achieved]
He also claims to have been offered a lucrative deal from the Elite which he turned down – copying a tale spun by Michael of Bernicia, who also claims to have been offered a position with the Illuminati.
Spaniard has made no secret of the fact that he used to play rugby and sustained a lower back injury. Iain Stamp now publicises a lower spine injury which prevented him from becoming a professional footballer – and no doubt also prevented him from becoming an astronaut, or the Prime Minister.