Since 2001 Iain Clifford Stamp's Clients have lost more than £500 Million

A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth is Still Putting on Its Shoes
Iain Clifford Stamp aka Iain Clifford aka Iain Stamp aka Iain Bezzant is a Master at Marketing Lies.
In 2019 he began Selling Mortgage Elimination Services, and made it sound like he'd had results.
In 2021 He Began Boasting of a 100% Track Record with his Mortgage Elimination Service
As at: Feb 2024 He has yet to Eliminate one Mortgage Debt!
BEWARE the Depths he and his team will go to:
He has taken more than £10Million from Unsuspecting Victims paying for his Mortgage Service
Don't be his NEXT VICTIM
Iain Stamp works "tirelessly" for his customers - or so he says!
Here he is (Feb 24) pictured with his girlfriend and some random woman, while enjoying his 6th holiday since Jan 2023

Caught Lying
The Ben Hawkes Interview - 2023
Listen to Iain Swear on his Mother's Life & the Bible
Then Scroll Down and Watch the Videos to Prove He's a Liar!
Is Iain Stamp's Mother Still Alive?
MATRIX FREEDOM is evolving into the Freedom Movement’s Largest DEEP FAKE SCAM.
MATRIX FREEDOM makes stepping out of the MATRIX a costly, and frustrating experience!
BEFORE you make a decision to do business with MATRIX FREEDOM – read the contents of this website and watch the videos, because:
“A lie can travel around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes” ~ especially if it’s repeated again, and again, and again via different media (emails, videos, interviews).
This website it dedicated to Exposing the lies, and multiple contradictions of Iain Clifford Stamp and those working for MATRIX FREEDOM.
Iain Clifford Stamp Arrested
Iain Clifford Stamp was, by his own admission, arrested during the week ending 25th June 2023 when a crack team of 8 police officers called to his home. It is also understood that 25 officers comprising Police and Financial Conduct Authority Officials raided the Offices of MATRIX FREEDOM in Chessington, Surrey.
It appears that Dr Sam White, and other Directors of Stamp’s MATRIX FREEDOM money-making empire were also arrested.
Both Stamp and White were frantically trying to obtain the help of lay litigants, despite Stamp claiming to have “all the knowledge” in one of his management videos.
According to Stamp, who also uses the names Iain Clifford and Iain Bezzant, he was arrested in his dressing gown
(a thin pink negligee – which can be yours for just £19.99 from M&S)!
Stamp spent 13.5 hours being questioned and spent the night in a cell. His bank accounts, have been frozen. He is allowed a weekly spent of £350.00 which he claims is too low to live on. Many of his victims don’t even earn that!
Computers, phones and paperwork were seized from Stamp and the Offices of MATRIX FREEDOM.
During his 3rd July 2023 webinar, Stamp boldly claimed it was “business as usual” at MATRIX – but we don’t believe a word of it! Aside from ex-staff revealing that NO PROCESSING whatsoever is taking place – at Stamp’s own direction – now that customer paperwork has been seized – processes will no doubt have to start again if at all!
Stamp also claimed in his webinar that “we now have the process to make tax reclaims” which clearly means he
DIDNT HAVE THE PROCESS BEFOREHAND – despite selling this process for £thousands!
It seems nothing changes at MATRIX – the bullshit just keeps on flowing.
We’ll keep you informed. Smudge.
Caught Lying Again!
Mystery Shopper Call - April 2022
to Matrix Freedom
In Dec 2023 Stamp Claimed to
Have Eliminated his First Mortgage
Watch this ....
May 2023 - IAIN STAMP is at it AGAIN!
In his email dated 16th May 2023 Iain Stamp advertises a Mortgage Write Off Service with (you’ve guessed it) a 100% track record
If Tom, Dick or Harry have actually had success doing “Something” – it doesn’t mean that Iain will have any success when he tries to reverse engineer what Tom, Dick or Harry have achieved!
There was a time when Carl Lewis had a 100% track record winning the 100 meters sprint. Does that mean Iain Stamp has a 100% track record winning the 100 meters sprint?
Some Facts About Iain Stamp's Track Record :
- 2001 – 2008 by his own admission his customers LOST assets valued at £400M.
- In 2009/10 his firm “Integrity” went BUST owing £80Million! Some of his customers LOST their HOMES!
[He had encouraged people to secure loans on their homes so they could “Invest”/Gamble on him!] - Integrity was fined £350,000 by the Financial Services Authority (waived to maximise recoveries for investors) and was censured for providing misleading information.
- PPF Capital Source, a peer-to-peer investment scheme controlled by Stamp was, according to the Times in October 2017 was subject to complaints in the UK and Ireland over €5 million of missing money.
- Via his Global Edge Platform – Stamp offered monthly returns of 15-25% via a gambling algorithm. He appears to have given up on Global Edge after being called out by
- In 2019/2021 Global Edge morphed into Soccer Edge.
Stamp was offering monthly rates of return @ 25% via a gambling algorithm. In June and July 2020 Stamp was still inviting “investment” and was still advertising rates of return @ 25%. In February/March 2021, Stamp sent emails stating that losses had been made since March 2020. Therefore – Stamp was falsely presenting the true state of affairs when he sent his emails in June/July 2020. - 2019 Mortgage Free was born.
- 2021 MATRIXFREEDOM was born. We calculate that Stamp has taken between £10million-£15million from people.
- Stamp is now claiming that third parties (those who called him out) are to blame for the fact that he himself received £millions advertising “services” he could not deliver.
PRESS RELEASE - 21 April 2023
In 2022 negative reports began to emerge on social media concerning the activities of
SENJ LTD (SEYCHELLES) trading as Matrix Freedom, Mortgage Free, Natural Justice and Sovereign Reserve.
SENJ LTD (SEYCHELLES) which appears to have morphed into MATRIX FREEDOM Private Members Association during May/June 2022 offered a range of Debt Elimination “Services” including:
Tax Liability Set Off with “no adverse-affects” to credit files.
These Services were advertised on the back of an alleged “Track-Record” which was later implied to be 100% successful.
* Infinite Returns
More recently, SENJ LTD appears to have been replaced with the MATRIX FREEDOM Private Members Association, which, until recently, continued to use the trading styles:
Mortgage Free, Natural Justice and Sovereign Reserve.
The alteration in “organisational status”, has brought with it a new offering: the “Abundance Program” in which “INFINITE” returns are simply offered from day 1/year 1.
In what appears to have been an attempt to avoid regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), Debt Elimination Services were disguised / masked behind an administrative process (the secrets of which were known only to Iain Clifford Stamp and MATRIX FREEDOM Technical Staff).
Customers were invited to employ staff of Natural Justice or Sovereign Reserve (both trading styles of SENJ/MATRIX FREEDOM) to undertake the administrative work on their behalf, often paying 10% of the value of unsecured debts for the “service”, in advance, and in the case of Mortgage Debt circa £4000 per debt.
Ground-Swell of Complaints leads to Private Criminal Investigation:
During 2022 a growing number of members of Empower the People (private members association) (“EtP”) requested assistance from the Association in recovering payments made to MATRIX FREEDOM and or associated companies.
Members complained that they had paid large sums of money to MATRIX FREEDOM and had experienced:
Threats of Court Action
A decision was made to provide hands-on assistance to those EtP members affected, a positive consequence of which may enable all affected parties to receive assistance and justice.
Following an internal consultation, EtP have lawfully and formally engaged the services of Gary Summers, Barrister with
Gary is a respected UK barrister with 40 years’ experience. He focuses mainly on private prosecutions, dispute resolution, financial investigations and mediation and crisis management. In private prosecution cases, Gary seeks to identify crimes, perpetrators and backers – including those perverting the course of justice. He files information, procures summonses and prosecutes individuals in the UK courts.
Gary Summers has, in turn, deployed his Investigation team led by Tarique Ghaffur CBE QPM (former Assistant Commissioner of Metropolitan Police) to undertake a private criminal investigation into the activities of Iain Clifford Stamp and MATRIX FREEDOM.
Tarique will lead the private criminal investigation team into the activities of Iain Clifford Stamp and MATRIX FREEDOM as directed by Gary Summers.
Tarique and his team have advised based on the initial sift of the available documentation and/or initial evidence, that there is a reasonable suspicion that the following offences may have been committed by Mr Stamp and others working with him:
Conspiracy to defraud [s1, Fraud Act 2006]:
This is the ‘mortgage wipe out’ fraud scam that has been operating between 2019 and 2022 and operated by Mr. Stamp, his agents and employees against unsuspecting members of the public.
Conspiracy to defraud [s1, Fraud Act 2006]:
This is post-mortgage wipe out scam, is currently offered to those [from 2022 onwards] who were defrauded [as well as to the general public who did not sign up to the mortgage scam], a chance to make money or get their mortgage scam money back through a programme called the Abundance Programme. Again, the scam is operated by Mr. Stamp, his agents and employees.
Carrying on regulated activities without authorisation [s23, Financial Services & Markets Act 2000].
To carry out the activities advertised in a] and b] above, an individual would require authorisation to conduct regulated activities. In a] and b] the activity is a claims management function which requires such authorisation.
Blackmail [s21, Theft Act 1968]:
This potentially has occurred in a number of cases where Mr. Stamp made unwarranted demands for further investment and or the performance of certain actions, against victims of the mortgage wipe out scam.
Empower the People are assisting the investigation team by gathering initial feedback from victims on behalf of Gary Summers.
Empower the People invites assistance to finance the private criminal investigation as the UK fraud enforcement and investigation for what are considered low value victim frauds seems to have been completely downgraded with the police and the authorities not seeing the bigger picture of multiple victims.
Thank you