1099A - "Free House" / "Free Car": the "Abundance" Fraud/SCAM
In Jan 2023 Stamp was Filmed Claiming his Members could shop Around for Houses and Cars using nothing more than a 1099A Form.
We will update this Page when ANY one of His Members Gets a Result!
We Expect to be Waiting a Very Long Time!
This is the latest tripe to leave the MATRIX FREEDOM boiler room ~ and as usual:
Iain Clifford Stamp has NOT actually done any of this himself!
In fact – we are reliably informed that during 2021 he asked someone else to do his 1099 claim for him!
What Stamp does is this:
a) He takes the results of others (often totally unrelated to him) and he adopts those results as his own, or
b) He cobbles together a process (“Cobbled Process”) and takes results related to each component part, then cites that as evidence of HIS success,
In both cases he has had zero success!
BEFORE you pay Stamp for another carrot you’ll NEVER get to eat consider the THREE following points:
a) https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/yxmrcv/matrix_freedom_marketplacestrawman_theory/.
b) https://www.irs.gov/privacy-disclosure/the-truth-about-frivolous-tax-arguments-section-i-d-to-e
If you really want to give this a go – why use an amateur like STAMP – better that you go direct to the source of the process:
Christopher Hauser – you can contact him online – just search for him.
HOWEVER – we urge extreme caution with what Christopher Hauser
(and now Iain Clifford Stamp) are doing (see images below):
1. Christopher Hauser asks you to pay him $4,000 in bitcoin to undertake the process for you!
2. You are asked to sign a LOAN AGREEMENT for $1.5Million and agree to REPAY the loan in ten years time! Far from accessing a CQV trust account as advertised by Stamp – Hauser is merely using/abusing a GOVERNMENT SCHEME which is intended to stimulate economic growth (ie: the IRS Scheme which funds “SBA 1099A LOAN DEPOSITS” – the Small Business Loan Deposit Matching Scheme)
3. Hauser appears to contradict himself. On the one hand he claims to front you the LOAN [How Does he Afford that?] and claims that the IRS repays HIM direct when he files a 1099C, But he has also been caught claiming that the IRS gives you the LOAN direct, so which is it?
But let’s ignore that small detail for now, here’s some other questions you should ask yourself:
If he operates under a Power of Attorney – what else might he be doing wit it? This is – after all – a guy who is quite happy to create paperwork which has the appearance of a bona fide Application for a Government Loan, and you are being told that some Birth Trust is being accessed (a clear lie)!
Also – What happens in 10 years time when the “LOAN” has to be repaid? How do you know that Hauser or Stamp have filed a 1099c to successfully discharged the Loan? How do you know that a second, third or fourth loan has not been obtained in your name using that Power of Attorney?
WHAT IF Hauser disappears in five years time and the IRS comes after YOU in ten years time?
4. LIKEWISE – have you considered that this is FRAUD – creating a FICTITIOUS LOAN APPLICATION so that a claim can be made against the IRS/US TREASURY for a Grant Intended to Promote the Growth of Business?
We are reliably informed that between 2006 and 2009 the 1099A process was used by a group in Austin Texas, and those involved were prosecuted for FRAUD!

Do you trust Iain Stamp NOT to sign you up to a LOAN that you have to repay in ten years time? BEFORE you SIGN ANY PAPERWORK – please please please read through EVERY page of this website. Captain Jack.